Mantaray Studio specializes in hospitality, commercial and workplace projects, and residential projects.
>138855 sqm
>20 Projects
5 Countries
2 Continents
Mantaray Studio is a collaborative architecture and interior design practice.
Born after years of curiously exploring both the built environment and the natural landscape - this practice is aiming to keep, bring back or create the “spirit of the place” (GENIUS LOCI) in every project.
Projects are approached in a holistic manner combining different disciplines: architecture, interiors, product design and graphic design.
We believe that only by an integrated dialogue with the client, consultants, contractors and the end-user on all the design and construction stages of the project, high quality design can be achieved.

Mantaray Studio specializes in hospitality, commercial and workplace projects, and residential projects.
The studio works on projects of varying scales and typologies under the strong believe that each project is unique and has an unique solution. The approach for each project is blending together the poetic and the pragmatic.
Each project then receives a strong narrative based on deep analyses, through research, exploring the site context, history and the response to the client’s brief.

Ruccu Corfita - Mantaray Founder
Founder of Mantaray Studio, Ruccu was born and raised in Bucharest, Romania. After graduating University of Architecture and Urbanism “Ion Mincu”, Bucharest, she went to China to start her professional career.
Landed in Shanghai, a city which she describes as one of the best opportunity a designer can receive, she quickly started to immerse herself in the energy of the city. “Shanghai gives you the feeling you can do anything if you are responsible, passionate and courageous.”
She is a tremendously curious person - always searching for the concept and the reason “why” something is done. She spends a lot of time observing and feeling, landscapes, cities and people.
Ruccu had the opportunity of working with MQ Studio, with Andy Hall as a mentor and Design Director. Here is where she was employed to lead the design team, for a luxury resort in Bali, Indonesia. As a Project Design Architect she led a team of international consultants from throughout SE Asia and beyond, in the development of the master planning, architecture, interior design and styling, as well as dealing with daily site co-ordination issues with the contractors and suppliers in Bali.
It is in MQ Studio where her senses got even more activated. She understood that only by having a good narrative along with pragmatism you can reach beyond the physical side, into the subtle level.
The main focus in her work is the full sensory experience people have, while exploring the space and that is mainly encountered in hospitality area.
Best trick she does - she is curious, even when something seems to be dull, she tries to find the alluringness in the ordinary.
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“In an ever-changing world we are witnessing the parallel trajectory of “the age of authenticity”.”
Andy Hall